For emergency situations of jams and malfunctions, use our 24-hour production of temperature sensors and measurement and regulation equipment. While you are on your way to us, we are already working. Find out more >
We guarantee you 100% output control of ELPRO temperature sensors.Find out more >
We follow the principles of sustainability, so we design and manufacture in such a way that we can calibrate, repair, recycle, reuse. Find out more >
We store data, sketches and specifications about temperature sensors permanently, so they can be repeated in 1, 10, 20 years. Find out more >

We are transferring our 32 years to OBLAK

Zoran Lepenik founded ELPRO LEPENIK in May 1991 and since then, together with the developers, he has been responsible for our software competence through his own in-house business software, which has grown with us for 32 years – the fruit of his own development. But as the needs of the market change day by day, especially in the area of digitisation – we are taking our 32 years to the cloud!

ELPRO Digital Transformation

With the processes of eCommerce and digitalisation, and above all new solutions and technologies, we have decided to embark on a digital transformation in 2019, which we have named the ELPRO goes DIGITAL 2020-2025 strategy. From the new website to the digital certificate, the path takes us through the main body of the project, which is the new, modern and cloud-based business information system (ERP) Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Start of the roll-out

We’re bringing our 32 years to the cloud

Naših 32 let prenašamo v OBLAK, oblačno poslovanje, e-poslovanje, nov ERP, nov informacijski sistem, nova programska oprema, ELPRO eposlovanje, ELPRO digitalna transformacija, pričetek uvedbe digitalizacije, digitalni certifikat, e-podpis, e-certifikat, pripravljeni na novo dobo, digitalno usposobljeni, digitalne kompetence, digitalni kader, digitalno usposobljen kader,

The changeover to the new system will take place in January 2023, and we have been preparing for it at an accelerated pace over the last year. With challenging final data and inventory transfers and new opening balances coming at the end of 2022, we will close the company to customers in the last week of December for the first time in the company’s history.


Ready for a new era, new challenges and digitally empowered, we thank you for your understanding.

For your victories, with our solutions. Call us:
Contact us.