For emergency situations of jams and malfunctions, use our 24-hour production of temperature sensors and measurement and regulation equipment. While you are on your way to us, we are already working. Find out more >
We guarantee you 100% output control of ELPRO temperature sensors.Find out more >
We follow the principles of sustainability, so we design and manufacture in such a way that we can calibrate, repair, recycle, reuse. Find out more >
We store data, sketches and specifications about temperature sensors permanently, so they can be repeated in 1, 10, 20 years. Find out more >
Relative humidity, temperature and pressure transmitters with digital RS232 output.
Compared to later interfaces such as RS422, RS485 and Ethernet, RS232 has a lower baud rate, shorter maximum cable length, high voltage fluctuation, large standard connectors and limited multipoint capacity.