For emergency situations of jams and malfunctions, use our 24-hour production of temperature sensors and measurement and regulation equipment. While you are on your way to us, we are already working. Find out more >
We guarantee you 100% output control of ELPRO temperature sensors.Find out more >
We follow the principles of sustainability, so we design and manufacture in such a way that we can calibrate, repair, recycle, reuse. Find out more >
We store data, sketches and specifications about temperature sensors permanently, so they can be repeated in 1, 10, 20 years. Find out more >


Wishing you a Happy Holidays and a Happy 2023

Keeping our promises – for 32 years!

Is it possible that 32 years have passed since Zoran Lepenik founded ELPRO? We really don’t feel that it has been so many years behind us, even with you, our dear ones. But as we follow our sons and our successful and hard-working team, we can confirm that, if anything, all promises are kept. They are ingrained in our DNA and that is what means the most to us.

Aleksandra and Zoran Lepenik

We promise you that for 2023 we promise nothing less than we have done so far. Thank you for trusting us, many of you for three decades. Dear friends and business partners, we wish you good health, peace of mind, joy and success in your work. All sprinkled thick with happiness and joy. SRECHNO 2023!

ELPRO čestitka, ELPRO LEPENIK čestitka, srečno 2023, srečno novo leto, ELPRO LEPENIK kolektiv, ELPRO LEPENIK tim, happy new year, happy 2023, želimo vam lepe praznike, želimo lepe praznike in srečno 2023

ELPRO Lepenik Collective: Aleksandra, Aljaž, Barbara, Blaž, Blaž, Doris, Katarina, Luka, Mojca, Rok, Sandra, Timi, Tomi, Vid, Zoran, Žiga and especially lots of paw greetings from Mici, Tera and little Lucy. May they bring joy to you

For your victories, with our solutions. Call us:
Contact us.