How to reach us...
Using navigation
Number: 7c
Coordinates: 46.502302, 15.684299
Cartographic record: 46.502302 and 15.684299
GPS format (h ddd° mm.mmm’): N 46°30.133′ and E 15°41.053′
GPS format (hdd.ddddddd°): N 46.50222° and E 15.68422°
altitude 257m
WARNING! When using the navigation, be sure to enter ROGOZA in the place field.
Quick access on Google maps: HERE
Access from the A1 motorway
Exit the motorway at the Rogoza exit, then at the junction take the direction Miklavž. Immediately you arrive in Rogoza, follow the priority road ca. 1.1km. At the triangular turn-off, take the left direction, then take the first street to the left again. We are at the end of the street.
Access from Spodnje Hoče
At the main crossroads in Hoče, turn towards the airport or the. St. Nicholas. Sldite priority road to Rogoza. Then follow the priority road ca. 1.1km. At the triangular turn-off, take the left direction, then take the first street to the left again. We are at the end of the street.
Access from Miklavž na Dravskem polju
At the main (only) semaphored crossroads in Miklavž, take the direction Hoče, the road leads you through the forest. At the end of the forest, at the triangular roundabout, turn right, then take the first street to the left. We are at the end of the street.
Special parking spaces reserved for customers and deliveries!
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