Temperature sensors Thermocouples (TC), plug-in

The V400 series of plug-in thermocouples are tight-fitting and fast-responding temperature sensing thermocouples. They are designed to measure the temperature of tools and are therefore most commonly found in the plastics processing and machine and plant building industries. These are labour-intensive sensors, so they are designed to be replaced quickly without stopping the process. This is done by a bayonet connector that adjusts by a spring and ensures good contact between the sensor and the tool. They can also be attached with a compression fitting (hermeto fitting) or otherwise. The tip of the sensor is often tapered 118° to fit the bore correctly. Comparing the resistive design with the thermocouple – same sensor design, thermocouple is faster. There are many different versions of the design, and complete customisation of the tools is possible. They are used up to 600 °C, but higher temperature versions are also available.

